Yes, yes and yes. Okay so I know I am a little late on this blog post but my goodness, the days are getting shorter. I promise, it's not just me. So last year it snowed and this year it snowed, tis a beautiful thing. This years snow was so awesome! I have a few pictures to share with you from our Houston Snow Day!
Doesn't it look like a blizzard! Because it totally was! Only kidding, I was being sorta unsafe (Caden was not in the car!) and took this photo while driving so I could get this effect. But really...
It was a peaceful, beautiful snow
And then it really did start coming down pretty hard and fast
The roof after a little bit of snowfall
The roof a little later, its got some real depth there!
Thank you snow, for sticking to the ground and giving little kids all over Houston the opportunity to make snow/mud men!
One of my favorite pictures of the day, the Texas flag mailbox with some snow on it
My beautiful friend Sarah enjoying the snow day with me!
So part of the reason why this snow post is so late is because I have been soo busy! Along with staying at home and raising an 11 month old boy, I have been having to do all sorts of Christmas shenanigans (not really, cause I love it!), birthday planning and back to school preparations. So its been go, go, go! And I am trying to keep up with this new little plan I have for myself. I would like to read and complete one book a week. I love reading oh so much. And I am trying to make this goal for myself so I will actually read and finish all the books I have picked out for myself. I buy books all the time, it is an addiction. If I am trying to just get out of the house, I will go to Barnes and Noble and just browse through the aisles until I see something that catches my eye and then buy it. I know the saying to not judge a book buy its cover, but I don't judge, I just buy! I honestly cannot say that I have read a bad book by working on this technique of mine but I have probably missed some really great ones by doing so. I also buy recommended reading so if someone has something they would like to recommend, I am all ears, or eyes.
I am going to leave this blog post with some pictures I took with my cell phone of my mischievous little boy to show how much fun he is having with Christmas so far.