So, there is this magazine that I love, well...there are several magazines that I love and subscribe too but this post is only about one of those magazines. This be the one

Good ole Parents magazine, I was first introduced to this magazine in my OB's waiting room and then accidentally received a subscription just for buying clothes at Motherhood Maternity. Okay, it wasn't really an accident, I was duped. They told me to sign this "thingy" and receive free issues of Parents magazine. "Well shoooooot! Why not?!" Ahem, several months later, a charge appears on my bank statement for a subscription that I never asked for, they gave it to me!!!! So I called them and told them that I didn't feel it was fair and I shouldn't have been charged this measly $20.00 for a magazine I didn't want in the first place! I let them have it, the charge was taken off. All smiles! Until I missed the magazine, it had such good articles on all sorts of cool things. And reviews on things to buy for babies and children. Yada yada yada, I'm weak, I gave in, I subscribed for 2 years. Whatever, don't judge my weakness for magazine subscriptions that I didn't even know I had until it went from Parents to Real Simple to Lucky to Us Weekly, ohhh the list goes on. Anyway, this post is all about Parents Magazine. And I think I just proved that it really is awesome.
It has really cool things in it for Moms and Moms-to-be! Really cool things like this...
Really useful health information on things like thermometers, apparently ear thermometers are easy but aren't the best way to go if you want the most accurate temperature of your young one.
And tips on how to make the Holidays your own, more memorable and meaningful for you and your family. Start your very own traditions!
And things for Momma herself!!! Because sometimes we need something for ourselves, I personally forget about my own self sometimes, but for good reason.
Perfect for this time of year, gift guides! I need help, I don't have time to be creative!
Soooo, there you have it. All of the reasons why Parents Magazine should be coming to you once a month. Well I know that subscribing costs money and it might not seem worth it for a magazine that you might not even read. So I am here to give you a nice little Christmas present. Kind of...Parenting Magazine sent me a thing in the mail saying I could give a subscription to a friend for only $5.00! $5.00 for a one year subscription! Well the most exciting thing about it is, I am going to pay for it. I will pay that whopping $5.00 so you can enjoy this magazine yourself, and maybe get a new subscription once this one is up.
Problem is, it is only for one person so I need you to help me out on deciding who gets this offer. All you have to do is, become a follower of this blog if you aren't already. Then, just leave me a comment telling me how sweet and wonderful I am for offering this to someone! Just kidding, you just have to tell me what YOU want for Christmas, like...what's at the top of your wish list. And tada! The magazine could be yours. I will do a drawing from all of the comments, and choose who wins. Now, I don't have many followers and I don't even know if anyone except for my grandparents really reads my blog but it's a good way for me to find out!
So get to following and commenting and I will announce the winner by Wednesday or Thursday, depending on how many people have chosen to participate! Good luck!